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Hugtakasafn : Eitt hugtak
[en] aquaguard, 2,2-Dichlorovinyl dimethyl phosphate
íðefni (efnaheiti)
[en] dichlorvos or 2,2-dichlorovinyl dimethyl phosphate (Trade Names: DDVP, Vapona, etc.) is a highly volatile organophosphate, widely used as an organophosphorus insecticide to control household pests, in public health, and protecting stored product from insects. It is effective against mushroom flies, aphids, spider mites, caterpillars, thrips, and whiteflies in greenhouse, outdoor fruit, and vegetable crops. It is also used in the milling and grain handling industries and to treat a variety of parasitic worm infections in dogs, livestock, and humans. It is fed to livestock to control bot fly larvae in the manure. It acts against insects as both a contact and a stomach poison. It is available as an aerosol and soluble concentrate. It is also used in pet collars and "no-pest strips" as pesticide-impregnated plastic (Wikipedia)

[is] Framkvæmdarreglugerð framkvæmdastjórnarinnar (ESB) nr. 1274/2011 frá 7. desember 2011 um samræmda eftirlitsáætlun Sambandsins til margra ára fyrir árin 2012, 2013 og 2014 til þess að tryggja að farið sé að ákvæðum um hámarksgildi leifa af varnarefnum og meta þau váhrif sem neytendur verða fyrir af völdum varnarefnaleifa í og á matvælum úr jurta- og dýraríkinu

[en] Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 1274/2011 of 7 December 2011 concerning a coordinated multiannual control programme of the Union for 2012, 2013 and 2014 to ensure compliance with maximum residue levels of pesticides and to assess the consumer exposure to pesticide residues in and on food of plant and animal origin

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